Czechia underground

Czech underground


The most beautiful underground in Europe to explore, Underground cave, mine, military,

Najpiękniejsze podziemia w Europie do zwiedzania, kopalnie, jaskinie, katakumby,



Kaplica Czaszek w Brnie

Skull Chapel in Brno

Podziemna kostnica w Brnie w Czechach.
Underground ossuary in Brno, Czech Republic
Po Paryżu Brno ma drugą co do wielkości kostnicę w Europie
After Paris, Brno has the second-largest ossuary in Europe

The number of people buried here is estimated to exceed 50,000. There was a churchyard at the Church of St James (the site is now Jakubské náměstí, or St James Square) as early as the beginning of the 13th century. Like many other churchyards, its establishment within the city walls later prevented its extension. The churchyard capacity quickly became insufficient for the needs of the growing city, and a special system of burial had to be adopted in which graves were opened 10 to 12 years after burial and the remnants were removed to make room for another body in the grave. The remnants from the original graves were moved to special underground areas, called ossuaries. These also quickly filled up due to frequent plague and cholera epidemics. The reforms introduced by Joseph II in 1784 resulted in churchyards being closed down for hygienic reasons. The remnants from the graves were moved into a crypt, the churchyard wall was torn down, the area around the church was paved with the former headstones, and the ossuary was gradually forgotten.

Today, the Ossuary at the Church of St James is an attraction for tourists as well as a place of reverence. The tour is very impressive thanks in part to music composed especially for this place.


Kaplica czaszek w Brnie Śmiertelnica





 The Capuchin Crypt in Brno is a funeral room mainly for Capuchin friars.


The Capuchin Crypt in Brno is a funeral room mainly for Capuchin friars. The crypt was founded in the mid 17th century in the basement of the Capuchin Monastery in the historical centre of Brno. The bodies of people buried there turned into mummies because of the geological composition of the ground and the system of airing. Near the entrance of the crypt rests the body and relics of St Clementaine, an ancient Roman noblewoman. Under a poverty vow, Capuchin friars believed coffins to be a luxury. The mummies are today considered a tourist attraction but are also useful for scientific research.





Sztolnie regionu karlowarskiego


Štola č. 1 v Jáchymově
Kde jinde začít objevovat hornickou historii Krušnohoří než tady. Štola č. 1 přibližuje nejen způsob dobývání nerostů, ale také utrpení politických vězňů, kteří zde byli nuceni těžce pracovat v 50. letech minulého století.
Štola dlouhá 260 metrů byla vyražena blízko dolu Svornost, nejstaršího uranového dolu na světě, v roce 1952. Měla ověřit výskyt uranu. Její provoz byl ukončen v roce 1957.
Štola č. 1 -

Štola Johannes je mimořádně zachovalý komplex dolů a podzemních komor. Nachází se na Zlatém Kopci asi 8 kilometrů od Božího Daru. Návštěvníci při prohlídce stoupají do dobývky, objeví velkou komoru i šachtu. Nezapomeňte proto na teplé ponožky a holínky! Zapomnětlivcům je tu i půjčí.
Štola Johannes -
Krupka - prohlídková trasa ve štole Starý Martin
Národní kulturní památka Důl Mauritius
Národní kulturní památka, největší cínový důl v českém Krušnohoří je starý přes 470 let. Jeho jedna z nejstarších štol, štola Kryštof, je otevřená od května do září pro veřejnost. Zažijte jedinečné podzemní dobrodružství.
z regionu karlowarskiego i usteckiego z informacjami o reginie górniczym UNESCO:
Sztolnie w regionie usteckim:
Inne ciekawostki:



Współpraca: Czeska Centrala Ruchu Turystycznego – CzechTourism

Cooperation: Czech Tourist Traffic Office – CzechTourism




Underground in Europe to explore

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